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A Thing Called Joe

…But the thing is…

Tag Archives: Crystal Bowersox

I don’t usually record at concerts, choosing instead to actually BE in the moment, but by the time her encore rolled around I just needed a memento. It drives me absolutely insane to think that there are people out there with voices like this, yet the Grammy Awards are given to people like Taylor Swift and Katy Perry who can’t sing on pitch without auto-tune. It makes me RAGE.



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crystal-bowersox-2013In all the years that American Idol has been on the air, I’ve only ever watched one season. The show never interested me much and most of the singers that have come off the show have annoyed me to no end. HOWEVER…. my ex (a huge Idol fan) forced me to watch Season 9 with him and I complied, fully determined to complain and whine and make the entire experience miserable for both us. To my surprise I almost IMMEDIATELY fell in love with one of the contestants, a girl with dreadlocks, a guitar, and an INCREDIBLE voice (I’m a sucker for a singer/songwriter chick). In no time at all I was planning my schedule around the airtime of Idol so that I could text in and vote for her. Now, years later, I’m finally going to get to see her perform. I’m so excited, I may pee.

CRYSTAL BOWERSOX @ Joe’s Pub. Wednesday, March 6 2013

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So, as everyone knows, I was slightly obsessed with Crystal Bowersox during last season’s American Idol. Hands down, I feel like that girl has/had more talent than any one of her competitors. Well, she has come out with her first album and needless to say, I looove it. And what makes it even more amazing is that she penned the majority of the songs. You’ve got to love a singer that writes their own material. Below is my favorite performance of hers from Idol. Love her.


I had to post this….. She may not have won; but she’s still fierce as hell.

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Despite the fact that I am growing incessantly tired of Ryan Seacrest and his constant idiotic banter (not to mention his cocky shit-eating-grin); I still rush home on Tuesday nights to see what my girl, Crystal, is going to do. And she always makes it worth the ungodly two hours I have to sit through to see her.

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This girl….. no words. No words.

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Okay look….. for nine years I have been artistically and morally opposed to American Idol. With my nose in the air I have verbally torn apart the show and looked down on those who have faithfully followed the careers of past winners and almost-winners and never-had-a-chance-but-still-selling-out-arenas-as-though-they-had-talent-ex-contestants. In short, I have loudly and consistently sworn to never waste my time watching this show.

However, a few weeks ago I got roped into watching the first episode of “Hollywood Week”  because David is an avid fan (if I had known this when we met, the past eight months may never have happened), and with much causticism and irony I acquiesced and settled down to watch. And to my surprise….. 

I am now OBSESSED with Crystal Bowersox. I spend my nights Googling her, YouTubing her, ITuning her, all but hanging outside her hotel room throwing my H&M Star Wars boxer briefs at her window.

This Chick…. and I say “Chick” with all the respect and reverence that singer/songwriters like Tracy Chapman and Janis Joplin deserve…. is AMAZING. In fact let me use a few more capital letters: SHE FUCKIN’ ROCKS.

And now I have a confession to make…… I even voted for her. Yes, yes I did. And I’m not ashamed. I have been knocked so far off my high-horse that I am rolling around in the dung– and loving it. 

Though I will say this….. If she does not win this competition (or at least come in second– since that seems to be the more successful spot to be in) I am going to lose what little faith I have left in America and their voting capabilities.

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